

超声波焊机原理是由发生器产生20KHz(或15KHz)的高压、高频信号,通过换能系统,把信号转换为高频机械振动,加于塑料制品工件上,通过工件表面及在分子间的磨擦而使传递到接口的温度升高,当温度达到此工件本身的熔点时,使工件接口迅速熔化,继而填充于接口间的空隙,当震动停止,工件同时在一定的压力下冷却定形,便达成完美的焊接。超声波焊接机通过上焊件把超声能量传送到焊区,由于焊区即两个焊接的交界面处声阻大,因此会产生局部高温。又由于塑料导热性差,一时还不能及时散发,聚集在焊区,致使两个塑料的接触面迅速熔化,加上一定压力后,使其融合成一体。当超声波停止作用后,让压力持续,有些许保压时间,使其凝固成型,这样就形成一个坚固的分子链,达到焊接的目的,焊接强度能接近于原材料本体强度。 超声波焊接机按照自动化水平可以分为自动焊接机、半自动超声波焊接机、手动焊接机,对于现代化企业来讲,自动化水平越高越有利于企业流水线生产,所以自动焊接机的使用是企业未来的一个趋势。




旋转熔接原理 是针对塑料圆形之热可塑性产品而设计,藉由塑料工件相互摩擦所产生之热力,使塑料工件接触面产生熔解,再靠外在压力,驱动促使上下工件凝固为一体,成为永久性的结合。
热板熔接原理 利用模板将其加热至所需要之温度,再放置于塑料工件与工件之结合面的中间,使热力集中于两个结合面,受热后产生熔解时,退出热模板后,再利用外在压力,致使工件合而为一,成为坚固耐久性的功用。可处理熔接物,本身硬度较高,形状复杂,体积硕大的产品皆可迎仞而解。


超声波焊接机实例: 日用品业:粉盒、化妆镜、发梳、锁圈、保温杯、密封式容器、调味瓶、水管接头、提把、 瓶盖、食品容器、汽车灯罩、汽车水箱等。 玩具业:各式球类玩具、文具、水枪、塑料礼品、音乐玩具、及各式塑料玩具等。 电器业:电子钟、蒸气熨斗、吸尘器、电话、计算机键盘、电风扇、电池等。 汽车制造业:方向灯、照后镜、各类塑料成品等。




大功率超声波塑料焊接机特征:1、采用PLC可程式微电脑控制系统,自动化程度高,控制延迟时间、熔接时间、固化时间,精确度更高; 2、采用IC全晶体自动回路,频率自动追踪,过载保护装置,设备更加稳定。 3、使用指拔开关、可调整至1/100秒之精确度、调整简便、故障率低; 4、对熔接较软的PE、PP材料,以及直径超大塑料件有良好适应性; 5、同心直轴设计、后仰度最小、水平垂直精确、机械结构强; 6、出力超强、熔接面特大、熔接效果可达到坚固美观、速度快、效果佳; 7、整机重力钢铸造,大型基座构造,沉稳、精密度高、外观漂亮。 8、带底座大工作台面生产方便; 9、整机采用涡轮结构升降系统,调节 10、整机重力铸造,数控机床加工,配备大型桌台构造,坚固耐用,精密度高。 11、电动升降机身,调模方便快捷。
大功率超声波焊接机原理: 焊接原理是将超声波通过焊接头传导至塑料加工零件上,使两塑料接合面因收到超声波的作用而产生剧烈摩擦,摩擦热使塑料接合面熔化而完全接合。该技术具有速度快,焊接牢固等优点,更重要的是可以使塑料产品加工自动化。超声波塑焊机可进行塑料熔接,埋置,成型,铆接,电焊,切除,缝合等操作,只需焊接头加以改变就可以一机做多种应用。各种塑胶件均可使用超声波熔接处理,而不需添加粘接剂或其它辅助品,其优点是增加多倍生产率、降低成本、提高产品品质。 熔接原理:通过上焊件把超声能量传送到焊区,由于焊区即两个焊接的交界面处声阻大,因此会产生局部高温。又由于塑料导热性差,一时还不能及时散发,聚集在焊区,致使两个塑料的接触面迅速熔化,加上一定压力后,使其融合成一体。当超声波停止作用后,让压力持续几秒钟,使其凝固成型,这样就形成一个坚固的分子链,达到焊接的目的,焊接强度能接近于原材料强度。
大功率超声波焊接机应用范围: 适用于ABS、PP、PE、PC、PUC、PMMA、PS、PPS、PBT、PETG等塑料材质,同时还应用于塑胶、电子、电器、汽车配件、包装、环保、医疗器械、无纺布服装、文具日用品、塑料玩具、体育用品、通信器材等行业。如:音箱、仪表盘、文件夹、车灯、吸尘器、过滤器、电蚊拍等。




三头并联超声波焊机,设备规格:1、设备三头同步驱动作加工动作。2、设备的驱动方式可选择气动。3、根据设备要求,可选择手动单控或自动模式。 4、设备保持良好稳定性,能保证一致的焊接效果及工件加工后高度的准确性。 5、延迟时间,焊接时间,固化时间,限位深度,熔接压力等参数均可调。三头并联超声波焊接机,产品优点及用途:1、可应用于大小不同、焊接面较长或较大的工件。 2、可应用于任何可超声波熔接的焊接面上,无特别要求。 3、焊接面可允许塑料余量补偿,焊接强度得到保证。 4、因应各种材料的需要,可调整焊接功率大小的输出。 5、针对大型,不规则塑料件而设计,配合多焊头,多模具的精密组合,可一次性焊接成型,提高了生产速度和产品外观。


四头超声波焊接机主要用于汽车油壶焊接,汽车油杯焊接,汽车仪表焊接,汽车仪表板焊接,汽车仪表盘焊接,汽车仪表台焊接,汽车发动机盖焊接,汽车车灯.,汽车天窗焊接,开灯小窗口播放焊接,汽车仪表盘焊接,仪表盘焊接机,汽车码表盘焊接,汽车仪表盘焊接等。四头并联超声波塑料焊接机由超声波发生器产生15KHZ的高压、高频电信号,通过换能器的压电逆效应转换成同频率的机械振荡,并以音频纵波的形式作用于塑料制品工件上。四头并联超声波焊接机,部分重要操作说明: 1.打开电源开关进入主界面在默认情况下全部机器处在自动状态。此时按操作按钮可正常操作机器 2.在主界面下若要设定每台超声波焊接机机器的参数和工作状态可按人机界面的指定功能键,壹号机F1键。贰号机F2键。叁号机F3键。肆号机F4键。 3.主界面的手动状态F6键和自动状态的F5键是切换四台超声波机的工作状态,机器处在什么状态请看F5,F6功能键后面的状态指示灯。 4.计数器是对生产产器的数量进行计数,只有四台机器全部在自动状态下同时工作才会进行计数,每工作一次计数一次。F7键是对计数器进行清零。 5.人机界面的向上三角键在正常情况下是画面翻转用,按下此键回到主界面,在设定参数时每按一次参数加一。 6.人机界面的向下三角键在正常情况下是画面翻转用,按下此键向下翻转界面,在设定参数时每按一次参数减一。 7.进入每一台对应的超声波机器后设定每台对应机器的参数和工作状态,若要设定每台机器的参数请按功能键SET键进行选择,此时可用数字键直接输入所要设定的参数,也可用上下三角键进行加减来设定。设定完后按ENT键进行确认。 8.进入对应的机器参数设定画面后,F1键是音波测试键,是对对应的超声波机器进行音波测试用,F2。F3键是切换工作状态用,工作状态请参照F2,F3键后面的工作指示灯 9.进入对应的机器参数设定画面后,F4键是机头下降,F5键是机头上升,供调试对应的机器用。 10.进入对应的机器参数设定画面后,只有在手动状态下功能键F1,F4。





一、主要用途: 塑胶五金、铆接、点焊、文件夹定位等。 二、特点: 体积小、工作时方便、不占空间。原装换能器,自动频率追踪。三、机器特点:1、消除传统缝衣所造成针孔现象.2、利用振动磨擦或切,不冒烟、无异焦味、摒除高周波、热切机之危险性及空气污染. 3、开机即可加工,不须预热,操作容易,可连续加工速度快、效率高、人工成本低. 4、超声波发振器出力超强、效率高、焊头温度低、机台品质稳定. 最适合热塑性薄物焊接加工适用材料:合成化学织维布料,含有化织混纺布、针织布、尼龙布、特多龙布、不织布、金葱布、人造革、PU、沙丁布、PS、PVC、PE+纸、TR及各种薄膜彼覆或贴合织布类。


Ultrasonic welding machine edit
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Ultrasonic welding machine generates 20KHz (or 15KHz) high-voltage, high-frequency signal by the generator, and converts the signal into high-frequency mechanical vibration through the energy conversion system, which is added to the plastic workpiece, through the surface of the workpiece and the friction between molecules The temperature transmitted to the interface is increased. When the temperature reaches the melting point of the workpiece itself, the workpiece interface is quickly melted, and then the gap between the interfaces is filled. When the vibration stops, the workpiece is cooled and set at a certain pressure at the same time. Perfect welding.
Chinese name Ultrasonic welding machine Working principle Ultrasonic welding principle Sonic welding
table of Contents
1 Product information
2 Welding method
3 welding principle
4 Split
5 Computer desktop
6 High power
7 Double head
8 three parallel
9 Four heads
10 eight seats
11 Hand welding
Product information editing
The principle of the ultrasonic welding machine is to generate a 20KHz (or 15KHz) high-voltage, high-frequency signal from the generator. The signal is converted into high-frequency mechanical vibration through the energy conversion system, which is added to the plastic workpiece, through the workpiece surface and between the molecules. Friction causes the temperature transferred to the interface to rise. When the temperature reaches the melting point of the workpiece itself, the workpiece interface is quickly melted and then filled in the gap between the interfaces. When the vibration stops, the workpiece is cooled and shaped under a certain pressure at the same time. Achieve perfect welding. The ultrasonic welding machine transmits the ultrasonic energy to the welding zone through the upper weldment. Since the welding zone, that is, the interface between the two welds, has a large acoustic resistance, local high temperature will be generated. Due to the poor thermal conductivity of the plastic, it cannot be distributed in time, and it gathers in the welding area, which causes the contact surface of the two plastics to melt quickly. After a certain pressure is added, it is merged into one. When the ultrasonic wave stops functioning, let the pressure continue for a little holding time to make it solidify and form, so as to form a strong molecular chain to achieve the purpose of welding, the welding strength can be close to the strength of the raw material. According to the level of automation, ultrasonic welding machines can be divided into automatic welding machines, semi-automatic ultrasonic welding machines, and manual welding machines. For modern enterprises, the higher the level of automation, the better the production line production. Therefore, the use of automatic welding machines is one of the future of enterprises trend.
Welding method editing
1. Welding method:
Under moderate pressure, the welding head vibrating with ultra-sonic wave produces frictional heat at the joint surface of the two pieces of plastic and instantaneously melts the joint. The welding strength is comparable to that of the body. The suitable work piece and reasonable interface design can achieve watertightness. And airtight, and avoid the inconvenience caused by the use of auxiliary products, to achieve efficient and clean welding.
2. Riveting and welding method:
The ultrasonic welding head with ultra-high frequency vibration is pressed against the protruding tip of the plastic product, so that it instantly melts into a rivet shape, and the materials of different materials are mechanically riveted together.
3. Embedding:
Through the preaching of the welding head and appropriate pressure, the metal parts (such as nuts, screws, etc.) are squeezed into the reserved plastic holes and fixed at a certain depth. After completion, regardless of the pulling force and torque, they can be comparable to the traditional mold. The strength can avoid the defects of damage to the injection mold and slow injection.
4. Forming:
This method is similar to the riveting and welding method. The concave welding head is pressed against the outer ring of the plastic product. After the welding head produces ultrasonic ultra-high frequency vibration, the plastic is melted and formed to cover the metal object to fix it, and the appearance is smooth and beautiful. This method is mostly used in the fixing of electronics and speakers, and the fixing of cosmetics lenses.
5. Spot welding:
A. Welding the two pieces of plastic in a separate point does not require a pre-designed welding wire to achieve the purpose of welding.
B. For large-scale workpieces, it is not easy to design welding lines for spot welding, and to achieve the effect of welding, you can spot weld multiple points at the same time.
6. Cutting and sealing:
Using the working principle of instantaneous vibration of ultrasonic wave, the chemical fiber fabric is cut, and the advantage is that the cut is smooth and does not crack or brush.
Principle of welding
The electronic energy is converted into mechanical energy by ultrasonic vibration, and then the energy is transmitted to the contact surface of the plastic bow and arrow by the welding head (HORN), which causes intense friction between the molecules and the principle of heat generation, prompting the product to melt and combine into one. The processing speed is fast, clean, beautiful and economic.
Welding scope: toy industry, stationery industry, home appliance industry, electronics industry, food industry, communication industry, transportation industry, aerospace industry, etc.
Examples of ultrasonic welding:
Daily necessities industry: powder box, cosmetic mirror, hair comb, lock ring, thermos cup, sealed container, seasoning bottle, water pipe joint, handle,
Bottle caps, food containers, car lampshades, car water tanks, etc.
Toy industry: all kinds of ball toys, stationery, water guns, plastic gifts, musical toys, and all kinds of plastic toys ... etc.
Electrical industry: electronic clock, steam iron, vacuum cleaner, telephone, computer keyboard, electric fan, battery ... etc.
Automobile manufacturing: car lights, rearview mirrors, interior trims, bumpers, various types of plastic products ... etc.
The principle of rotary welding is designed for plastic circular thermoplastic products. The thermal force generated by the friction of plastic workpieces melts the contact surface of the plastic workpieces, and then the external pressure is driven to drive the upper and lower workpieces to solidify and become permanent. Sexual union.
Examples of spin melting: RO filter, freezing cup, thermos cup, vase, carburetor, shower head, thermos gas tank, etc.
The principle of hot plate welding uses a template to heat it to the required temperature, and then placed in the middle of the joint surface of the plastic workpiece and the workpiece, so that the thermal force is concentrated on the two joint surfaces. When melting occurs after heating, the hot template is exited and reused The external pressure causes the work pieces to become one and become a durable and durable function. It can process welded products. It has high hardness, complex shape and large volume. All products can be solved.
Examples of hot melt: car lights, outdoor refrigerators, door panels, pumps, water storage tanks, vacuum cleaners, hole balls, CD boxes, washing machine balance rings, rhythm dance pedals, etc.
Split editing
Ultrasonic welding machine collects ultrasonic waves on the welding head and transfers them to the plastic welding workpiece. With the high frequency of 20KHZ-15KHZ and a certain amplitude, the two plastic joint surfaces are violently rubbed and melted to complete the gluing process in an instant. Ultrasonic plastic welding machine can also be used for spot welding, riveting, inlaying, cutting, embedding, straightening, forming, edge fitting and other processing techniques by replacing the welding head. It is suitable for polyethylene (G.L) and A. B. C. Welding of plastics such as polyacetal and polycarbonate.
The characteristics of the split ultrasonic welding machine: 1. IC precision control circuit, automatic overload protection system; 2. Digital code fine control switch, 1/100 accurate setting; 3. Four-point balance adjustment, easy adjustment of the welding head; 4. Original vibrator, power output is stronger than peers; 5. Resonant at no-load and no-load, no need to adjust welding head frequency; 6. Rectangular column / cylindrical optional, guide bearing, precision fine-tuning; 7. Turbine rotation Easily adjust the stroke of the fuselage, which solves the adjustment drawbacks of the conventional machine; the aluminum / titanium alloy variable spoke rod, the sound wave is strong and stable; 8. Self-built welding workshop, using aluminum alloy material, durable; 9. Using electronic originals from various factories, Excellent performance and reliability. 10. Using the latest technology computer touch screen (computer precision film, computer circuit board, computer display screen) welding accuracy of up to 0.1 millisecond error.
Scope of application of split ultrasonic welding machine: various injection-molded cut parts and fusion thermoplastic products, metal and plastic implantation, etc.
Welding / welding scope: toy industry, stationery industry, home appliance industry, electronics industry, food industry, communication industry, transportation industry, aerospace industry, etc.
Examples of ultrasonic welding machine: Daily necessities industry: powder box, cosmetic mirror, hair comb, lock ring, vacuum flask, sealed container, seasoning bottle, water pipe joint, handle, bottle cap, food container, car lampshade, car water tank, etc. Toy industry: all kinds of ball toys, stationery, water guns, plastic gifts, musical toys, and all kinds of plastic toys, etc. Electrical industry: electronic clock, steam iron, vacuum cleaner, telephone, computer keyboard, electric fan, battery, etc. Automotive industry: direction lights, rear-view mirrors, various plastic products, etc.
Computer desktop editing
Ultrasonic welding machine series products-computer-controlled ultrasonic plastic welding machine, features: 1. The only one in the country that adopts IC, full crystal automatic circuit, can choose energy and welding automatic energy control and frequency adjustment, and can still guarantee product quality after long-term production; 2. Using automatic control system, easy to operate, with high power and high efficiency; 3. 3. The additional over-voltage and over-power guarantee system can reduce faults and ensure safety; 4. Adopt four-point balance adjustment frame form quickly and surely. 5. Computer control type, touch screen induction.
High-power editing
Features of high-power ultrasonic plastic welding machine: 1. Using PLC programmable microcomputer control system, high degree of automation, control delay time, welding time, curing time, higher accuracy; 2. Using IC full crystal automatic circuit, automatic frequency tracking, The overload protection device makes the equipment more stable. 3. Use finger pull switch, which can be adjusted to 1/100 second accuracy, easy adjustment, and low failure rate; 4. It has good adaptability to soft PE, PP materials and plastic parts with large diameter; 5. Concentric Straight shaft design, minimum back elevation, accurate horizontal and vertical, strong mechanical structure; 6, super strong output, large welding surface, welding effect can be solid and beautiful, fast speed, good effect; 7, gravity steel casting machine, large base The seat structure is stable, high precision and beautiful appearance. 8. The large worktop with base is easy to produce; 9. The whole machine adopts a turbine structure lifting system for adjustment. 10. The whole machine is gravity cast and CNC machined. It is equipped with a large table structure, which is durable and high precision. 11.Electrical lifting body, convenient and quick mold adjustment.
The principle of high-power ultrasonic welding machine: The welding principle is to transmit ultrasonic waves to the plastic processing parts through the welding head, so that the two plastic joint surfaces are subjected to intense friction due to the effect of ultrasonic waves. The friction heat melts the plastic joint surfaces and completely joins. This technology has the advantages of fast speed and strong welding. More importantly, it can automate the processing of plastic products. Ultrasonic plastic welding machine can perform plastic welding, embedding, forming, riveting, electric welding, cutting, stitching and other operations, only need to change the welding head can be used for a variety of applications. All kinds of plastic parts can be processed by ultrasonic welding, without the need to add adhesives or other auxiliary products. Its advantages are increased productivity, reduced costs, and improved product quality. Welding principle: Ultrasonic energy is transmitted to the welding zone through the upper weldment. Due to the large acoustic resistance of the welding zone, that is, the interface between the two welds, local high temperature will be generated. Due to the poor thermal conductivity of the plastic, it cannot be distributed in time, and it gathers in the welding area, which causes the contact surface of the two plastics to melt quickly. After a certain pressure is added, it is merged into one. When the ultrasonic wave stops working, let the pressure last for a few seconds to make it solidify and form, so as to form a strong molecular chain, to achieve the purpose of welding, the welding strength can be close to the strength of the raw material.
Application range of high-power ultrasonic welding machine: Applicable to ABS, PP, PE, PC, PUC, PMMA, PS, PPS, PBT, PETG and other plastic materials, but also used in plastics, electronics, electrical appliances, auto parts, packaging, environmental protection, Medical equipment, non-woven clothing, stationery and daily necessities, plastic toys, sports goods, communication equipment and other industries. Such as: speakers, dashboards, folders, lights, vacuum cleaners, filters, electric mosquito swatters, etc.
Double-headed editing
Double-head ultrasonic plastic welding machine: ultrasonic welding, machine configuration: 1. The original piezoelectric ceramic transducer has strong and stable power output. 2. Special steel horn, strong and durable. 3. Adopt the horizontal adjustable structure of the welding head, which is convenient and quick to adjust the mold. 4. Complete assembly of high-quality imported electronic components, quality assurance. 5. Pneumatic components use imported accessories.
Benefits, advantages and features of ultrasonic welding:
1. Thermoplastic plastics other than Teflon can be welded;
2. The welding time is extremely short, usually in the range (0.05-1 second);
3. Ultrasonic welding does not produce toxicity like chemical agents, and is a safe welding process;
4. No need to add any adhesive, the operation is simpler and faster.
5. It can be welded to the joint surface through media such as water and oil.
6. The welding effect can reach the sealing effect of air tightness and liquid tightness;
7. Can be directly welded with conduction;
8. The welding energy varies with the plastic material, and not all the materials of ultrasonic vibration. Only the vibration surface suitable for the occurrence is cooked, so there is no worry about the surface of the product. This is the feature of evangelistic welding. When welding with hard plastics, the welding effect can be more effective. Ultrasonic welding machine, applicable to: body plastic parts, car doors, car instruments, car mirrors, sun visors, interior parts, filtration , Reflective materials, reflective road studs, bumpers, cables, motorcycle plastic filters, radiators, brake fluid tanks, oil cups, water tanks, fuel tanks, air ducts, exhaust gas purifiers, tray filter plates; plastic Electronics: prepaid water meters, electricity meters, communication equipment, cordless phones, mobile phone accessories, mobile phone cases, battery cases, chargers, valve-controlled sealed maintenance lead-acid batteries, 3-inch floppy disks, U disks, SD cards, CF cards, USB connectors , Bluetooth; toy stationery: folders, albums, folding boxes, PP hollow plates, PP ultrasonic welding, pen sets, ink cartridges, toner cartridges ;; medical daily use: watches, kitchenware, oral liquid bottle caps, drip bottle caps, mobile phone accessories, Daily necessities, hygiene products, children's products, air mattresses, hangers, knife handles, garden supplies, kitchen sanitary ware, showers, shower heads, anti-counterfeit bottle caps, cosmetic bottle caps, coffee pots, washing machines, air dehumidifiers, electric irons Kettle, vacuum cleaners, metal speaker grille and other civil engineering surface cover and ultrasonic welding.
Three-headed parallel editing
Three-head parallel ultrasonic welding machine, equipment specifications: 1. The three-head equipment is synchronously driven for processing action. 2. The driving mode of the equipment can be pneumatic. 3. According to equipment requirements, you can choose manual single control or automatic mode. 4. The equipment maintains good stability, which can ensure a consistent welding effect and a high degree of accuracy after workpiece processing. 5. Delay time, welding time, curing time, limit depth, welding pressure and other parameters are adjustable. Three-head parallel ultrasonic welding machine, product advantages and uses: 1. It can be applied to workpieces with different sizes and long or large welding surfaces. 2. It can be applied to any welding surface that can be ultrasonically welded, no special requirements. 3. Welding surface can be compensated for plastic margin, and welding strength is guaranteed. 4. According to the needs of various materials, the output of welding power can be adjusted. 5. Designed for large, irregular plastic parts, with the precision combination of multiple welding heads and multiple molds, it can be welded and formed at one time, which improves the production speed and product appearance.
Four-headed editor
Four-head ultrasonic welding machine is mainly used for welding car oil pot, car oil cup welding, car instrument welding, car instrument panel welding, car instrument panel welding, car instrument panel welding, car engine cover welding, car headlights, car sunroof welding , Turn on the lights and play in the small window, automobile instrument panel welding, instrument panel welding machine, automobile code dial welding, automobile instrument panel welding, etc. The four-head parallel ultrasonic plastic welding machine generates a 15KHZ high-voltage and high-frequency electrical signal from the ultrasonic generator, which is converted into mechanical oscillation of the same frequency by the piezoelectric inverse effect of the transducer, and acts on the plastic product workpiece in the form of audio longitudinal wave . Four-head parallel ultrasonic welding machine, some important operation instructions: 1. Turn on the power switch to enter the main interface. By default, all machines are in automatic state. At this time, press the operation button to operate the machine normally 2. To set the parameters and working status of each ultrasonic welding machine under the main interface, press the designated function key of the man-machine interface, the F1 key of No. 1 machine. Second machine



